Springing forth from the faulty memory of Henry Wilfred Carr, a minor official of the British consul, this witty and brilliant collision of three major historical figures– Lenin, James Joyce and the Dadaist poet Tristan Tzara– jumps time and styles in a dazzling fashion.
Travesties features a clever play-within-a-play of The Importance of Being Earnest. Court’s production highlights this connection by casting artists to reprise their Earnest roles from earlier in Court’s 2004/05 season or play roles Stoppard wrote to reflect parallels between Travesties and Wilde’s romantic comedy. Travesties is the intelligent and hilarious creation of one of the world’s most notable playwrights, and is replete with limericks, puns, word play, and paradoxes that excite the intellect.
Production photos by Michael Brosilow